Our Ways Of Working

Leadership Principles Is the foundation of everything we do

Ideate Own & Deliver at Speed

  • Ideas mean nothing, without execution.
  • Act to create version 0 structure
  • Measure to see progress
  • Review to find issues
  • Correct the issues and iterate

Find & Develop The Best

  • Build competent and capable teams Recruit based on role and traits.
  • Team is a reflection, of you, as a leader.
  • Develop learning plan for team and be a mentor.

Have Backbone, Disagree & Commit

  • Believe in yourself, show conviction
  • Resolve, don’t resign from the situation: make both personal and professional relationship work.
  • Don’t walk away from a conversation, either you commit or HAVE the other person to commit.

Solve Problems, Earn trust

  • Bring empathy and not control in discussions.
  • Have confidence in person’s intentions.
  • When shared a problem, try to solve
  • Empower and Encourage person to present solutions.
  • Show the path, don’t always direct.

Unlearn, Learn And Be Curious

  • As you scale up, be open to unlearn things even if they have worked in the past.
  • Learn new skills around, role, domain and traits.
  • Always be self aware to understand what else is needed to be learned.

Think Big, Raise The Bar

  • Never decide only based on past performance.
  • Understand market and aim outside the comfort zone.
  • Failing is not bad, not acting is.
  • Perfection is shabby.

Customer Obsession

  • Keep customer needs at the center and work backwards
  • Provide high value to customer

Be Frugal, Do More

  • Constraints help you leverage available resources better.
  • Drive a culture of innovation
  • Create success linked outcomes.

Ways of Working is the Foundation of Everything We Do



  • Customer Win
  • Teams Win
  • Business Win


  • Foster collaborating working culture
  • Provide clarity to enhance speed
  • Always help strengthen skills, for competency maturity and add skills for next role


  • Empathize with Teams’, Peers’, Customers’ problems
  • Let your team make mistakes and learn from it